How Nguyễn Ngọc Mạnh Saved a Falling Child from 12 Stories High

Nguyễn Ngọc Mạnh, a 31-year-old delivery driver, was waiting in his truck near the high-rise apartment building in the Thanh Xuân District when he heard terrified screams from the surrounding area. Looking up, he saw a three-year-old girl hanging precariously from the balcony of a 12th-floor apartment. The child had somehow managed to climb over the railing, leaving her clinging to the edge, unable to pull herself back up.

Witnesses were frozen in shock and fear as they watched the young girl struggle. Mạnh, however, sprang into action. Without a moment’s hesitation, he exited his vehicle and began looking for a way to reach the girl. Realizing he couldn’t reach her directly, he noticed a small metal roof on the ground floor that was just beneath where the girl was hanging.

The Heroic Rescue

Mạnh climbed onto the roof as quickly as possible. He later explained that he tried to gauge the exact spot where the girl might fall, positioning himself directly underneath her. In a matter of seconds, the child’s grip faltered, and she began to fall. Mạnh managed to catch her just in time, absorbing much of the impact and preventing what could have been a fatal fall.

The rescue was captured on video by a nearby security camera, and the footage quickly went viral, with millions of people around the world viewing and sharing the clip. In the video, Mạnh can be seen standing on the roof, arms outstretched, as the girl falls toward him. The sound of the impact is audible, but miraculously, the child survived with only minor injuries, including a dislocated hip.

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By Dream

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